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Monday, 7 May 2012

Cough Warning

Sixteen years ago this summer, my husband lost his Grandfather at the age of 65. He had been a smoker but had given up more than fifteen years previously.
He had had a persistent cough for more than a few weeks and went to the G.P as he was starting to get worried. He was booked in quickly and had an endoscopy to look down his throat at what was going on. At this point he was told that it was lung cancer, but dont worry, because it can be dealt with quite effectively. Unfortunately before he got to receive any treatment, the cancer ate its way through one of his arteries around the lungs and he died of massive internal bleeding.
There has now been released, a government advertising drive, advising people with a persistent cough of more than three weeks, to visit their G.P, as it could be a sign of lung cancer.
Its a horrible disease, that effects most people at some point in their lives, whether it be directly or indirectly.
If this campaign can help prevent the pain that my husband and his family had to go through, then that would be brilliant. Some things are worth spending government money on.

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